Arwards to win- Award 1- Rei's hot site award! It takes an average site to get! Your site has to be super cool to win! Award 2- Best Charachter Shrine! You have to have a site dedicated to a charachter from SM! Award 3- Chibi-Rei's Cute Site Award The easiest to get! Your site just has to be a cute site! Award 4- Rei's Golden Award The hardest to get your site has to be way above average! Rules- 1. Must be a Sailor Moon site! 2. I must Like it! 3. Has to fite the description of the award your appling for!
To get the site of the month award you must apply for another award and if I really like yours you'll not only win the awards you applied for but the site of the month award! One will be given out each month! The winner of the site of the month award for July is The Sailor Mars Shrine!
Awards I've won!